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Shang Han Lun

Line 263
“In disease of the Shaoyang, there is a bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, and dizzy vision.”

Line 264
“When in Shaoyang wind strike, there is no hearing in either ear, the eyes are red, and there is fullness in the chest and vexation, one cannot use vomiting or purging, as vomiting and purging will lead to palpitations and fright.”

Line 265
“When in cold damage the pulse is string like and fine and there is headach and fever, this belongs to Shaoyang.  In Shaoyang patterns one cannot promote sweating, as promoting sweating will lead to delirious speech, which belongs to the ST.  If the ST is harmonized there will be recovery, and if the ST is not harmonized, there will be vexation and palpitations.”

Key Words: Essential Features of Shaoyang Disease


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