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Shang Han Lun

Differentiation of Vacuity and Excess Patterns
Line 210
“Now, as we know, in excess, there is delirious speech and in vacuity, there is muttering.  Muttering means repetitious speech.  Forward-staring eyes, delirious speech, panting, and fullness bodes death.  If there is Diarrhea, this also bodes death.”

Line 211
“when copious sweating is promoted, if sweating is again promoted, there will be yang collapse and delirious speech.  If the pulse is short, the person will die, and if the pulse spontaneously Harmonizes, the person will live.”

Line 201
“When in yang ming disease the pulse is floating and tight, there will be tidal fever that occurs periodically.  If the pulse is only floating, there will be night sweating.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Differentiation of Vacuity and Excess Patterns


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