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Shang Han Lun

Purging Pattern Identification

Line 209
“When in yang ming disease, there is tidal fever and slightly hard stool, on can give Da Cheng Qi Tang, but if there is no hardness, one cannot give this formula.  If the patient has not been able to defecate for six or seven days and one fears there is dry stool, the way to find out is to give a small amt. of Xiao Cheng Qi Tang.  When the decoction enters the abdomen, passing of fecal qi indicates dry stool and one can attack; but if there is no passing of fecal qi, only hard first, then sloppy stool, one cannot attack, for if one attacks there will be abdominal fullness & inability to eat.  There is a desire to drink water, and when water is given, there is immediate hiccupping.  After this, there is fever and the stool will again be hard and scant, so use Xiao Cheng Qi Tang to harmonize.  If there is no passing of fecal qi, one should be cautious & cannot attack.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Purging Pattern Identification


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