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Shang Han Lun

Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)

Line 254
“When sweating is promoted, but brings no resolution, and there is abdominal fullness and pain, purging is urgent, and therefore Da Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Line 255
“When abdominal fullness does not decrease, or decreases insufficiently to speak of, one should precipitate, and in such cases Da Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Line 256
“In yang ming and Shaoyang combination disease, there will be Diarrhea and when the pulse is not contrary, it means that the disease is in favorable sequence.  When the pulse is contrary, it means deviation from the normal sequence and mutual restraining and robbing, so it is called contrary.  When the pulse is slippery and fast it means there is abiding food.  One should precipitate and therefore, Da Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)


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