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Shang Han Lun

Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)

Line 242
“When the person has inhibited urination, intermittently difficult and easy stool, periodic mild heat, panting and veiling, and is unable to sleep, this means that there is dry stool, and therefore, Da Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Line 252
“When in cold damage that has lasted for six or seven days, there is unclear vision, disharmony of the eyes, neither an exterior nor an interior pattern, difficult defecation, and mild generalized heat, this indicates excess, so purging is urgent and therefore, Da Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Line 253
“When in yang ming disease there is fever and copious sweating, purging is urgently required and therefore, Da Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)


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