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Shang Han Lun

Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)

Line 212
“In cold damage, if after vomiting or purging there is no resolution, inability to defecate for five or six days – even up to ten days or more – late afternoon tidal fever, no aversion to cold, and soliloquy as if the person is seeing ghosts, then the following applies:  If serious, when the disease emerges, the person will not recognize people, will pick at the bed clothes, feel fear and disquiet, pant slightly, and stare forward.  If the pulse is string-like the person will live, and if the pulse is rough the person will die.  When in mild cases, there is only fever and delirious speech Da Cheng Qi Tang governs.  If one dose inhibits the stool then stop taking afterwards.”

Line 241
“When after great purging there is inability to defecate for six or seven days, unresolved vexation, and abdominal fullness and pain, this means there is dry stool.  Why this is so is because the root is abiding food, for which Da Cheng Qi Tang is appropriate.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)


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