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Shang Han Lun

Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)

Line 214
“When in yang ming disease there is delirious speech, tidal fever, and a pulse that is slippery and racing, Xiao Cheng Qi Tang governs.  When, as a result of using one sheng of Xiao Cheng Qi Tang there is shifting of qi, do not give it again.  The next day, if there is no shifting of qi, do not give it again.  The next day, if there is again inability to defecate, but the pulse is faint and rough, this indicates internal vacuity.  This is difficult to treat and one cannot again give Xiao Cheng Qi Tang.”

If difficult to Treat use: Huang Long Tang
Da Huang 12g
Mang Xiao 9g
Zhi Shi 9g
Hou Po 12g
Gan Cao 3g
Ren Shen 6g
Dang Gui 9g”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Excess Patterns (Yang Ming organ disease)


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