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Shang Han Lun

Heat (Channel) Patterns

Line 221
“When in yang ming disease, the pulse is floating and tight, the throat is dry and there is a bitter taste in the mouth, abdominal fullness, panting, fever, sweating, absence of aversion to cold, and instead, aversion to heat is present and there is generalized heaviness, if sweating is promoted, there will be agitation, restiveness of the heart but delirious speech.  If one adds the warm needle, there will be apprehensiveness and vexation and agitation with inability to sleep.  If one purge, there will be empty vacuity in the ST, visiting qi stirring the diaphragm, anguish in the heart, and if fur arises on the tongue, Zhi Zi Chi Tang governs.”
Line 228
“When in yang ming disease, purging is used and there is heat in the exterior, warm extremities, no chest bind, anguish in the heart, hunger with inability to eat, and sweating only from the head, Zhi Zi Chi Tang governs.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Heat (Channel) Patterns


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