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Shang Han Lun

Adverse Treatment Fire Patterns
Line 110
“When Tai Yang disease has lasted two days, but the is agitation whenever a hot pack is used on the back, and as a result there is great sweating, then great heat enters the ST, the ST water is exhausted, there is vexation & agitation and there will be delirious speech.  If after more than ten days, there is shivering and spontaneous Diarrhea, this means that the Dx is about to resolve.  Consequently, sweating from the Lumbus down cannot be obtained.  The person desires but is unable to urinate, and instead retches.  The person is verging on urinary incontinence and has aversion to wind in the soles of the feet & hard stool.  Urination should be frequent, but instead is infrequent and not copious.  Defecation occurs and the head is suddenly painful.  This Px will heat in the soles, because Grain Qi flows Downward.”

Line 111
“When in Tai Yang wind strike disease, fire forcing is used to promote sweating, the evil wind is exacerbated by fire – heat; then blood and qi flow and spill, losing their normalcy.  The two yang fume and scorch each other and there is generalized yellowing.  Yang is exuberant, so there is about to be spontaneous external bleeding.  Yin is vacuous, so urination is difficult.  Yin & Yang are both exhausted; there is generalized defecation and sweating only from the head that stops just at the neck, abdominal fullness, slight panting, dry mouth, putrefaction of the throat, or inability to defecate.  If this endures, there will be delirious speech, and when severe, hiccupping, agitation of the extremities, and picking at bedclothes.  When urination is uninhibited, the person can be trained.”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Adverse Treatment Fire Patterns


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