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Shang Han Lun

Cold-Heat Complex Glomus Patterns

Line 157
“When in cold damage after sweat has issued and brought resolution of the exterior, the Stomach is in disharmony, there is a hard glomus below the heart, dry belching with malodor of food, water qi under the rib-side, thunderous rumbling in the abdomen, and Diarrhea, Sheng Jiang Xie Xin Tang governs.

Sheng Jiang Xie Xin Tang

Sheng Jiang 4 Liang (cut)
Gan Cao 3 Liang
Ren Shen 3 Liang
Gan Jiang 1 Liang
Huang Qin 3 Liang
Ban Xia half Sheng (washed)
Huang Lian 1 Liang
Da Zao 12 pcs (broken)”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Glomus Patterns


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