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Shang Han Lun

Cold-Heat Complex Glomus Patterns
Line 149
“When cold damage has lasted for five or six days, and is marked by retching and fever, and Xiao Chai Hu Tang signs are present, if other medicinals are used to purge and the Xiao Chai Hu Tang signs are still present, one can still give Xiao Chai Hu Tang.  Although purging has already been used, it is not an adverse treatment and after the formula is given there will be steaming and quivering, then fever and sweating by which the disease resolves.  If there is fullness, hardness, and pain below the heart, this indicates chest bind; therefore, Da Xian Xiong Tang governs.  If there is fullness only, without pain, this indicates a glomus; therefore, one should not give Xiao Chai Hu Tang, give Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang is appropriate.

Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang

Ban Xia half sheng (washed)
Huang Qin 3 Liang
Gan Jiang 3 Liang
Ren Shen 3 Liang
Gan Cao 3 Liang
Huang Lian 1 Liang
Da Zao 12 pcs (broken)

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Glomus Patterns


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