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Shang Han Lun

Storehouse Bind Patterns
Line 129
“What is storehouse bind? Answer:  when there are signs like chest bind, eating and drinking are normal, and there is frequent Diarrhea, an inch pulse that is floating, and a bar pulse that is small, fine, sunken, and tight, it is called storehouse bind.  When the tongue fur is white and glossy, this pattern is difficult to treat.”
Line 130
“When in storehouse bind, yang signs are absent, and there is no alternating aversion to cold and fever, but the person is tranquil and the tongue fur is glossy, one cannot attack.

Line 167
“An illness in which usually glomus under the rib-side extends to the side of the umbilicus, but now the pain stretched into the lesser abdomen and enters the Yin sinew[ Penis] is called storehouse bind and bodes death.”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Storehouse Bind Patterns


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