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Shang Han Lun

Chest Bind Patterns

Line 135
“When in cold damage that has lasted for six or seven days, there is chest bind heat excess, in which the pulse is sunken and tight and there is pain below the heart, which is stone hard when pressure is applied Da Xian Xiong Tang governs.”

Line 136
“When cold damage has lasted for more than ten days, and heat binds in the interior, yet there is alternating aversion to cold and fever, give Da Chai Hu Tang; if there is only chest bind and the great fever is absent, indicating water bind in the chest and rib-side, and slight sweat issuing only from the head, Da Xian Xiong Tang governs.”

Line 137
“When in Tai Yang disease, sweating is promoted repeatedly, yet purging is also used and there is inability to defecate for five or six days, a dry tongue and thirst, minor tidal fever in the late afternoon and hardness, fullness, and pain, extending from below the heart to the lesser abdomen and which the person will not allow anyone even to get near, Da Xian Xiong Tang governs.”

Line 132
“When in chest bind patterns, the pulse is floating and large, one cannot precipitate, because purging will lead to death.”

Line 133
“When all the signs of chest bind are present, and there is vexation and agitation, the patient will die.”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Chest Bind Patterns


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