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Shang Han Lun

Blood Amassment Patterns

Line 125
“When in Tai Yang disease, there is generalized yellowing, a pulse that is sunken and bound, hardness in the lesser abdomen, and inhibited urination, this means that there is no blood amassment.  When urination is uninhibited and the person is as if manic, the previous signs indicate a true blood pattern, for which Di Dang Tang governs.”

Line 126
“In cold damage with heat and lesser abdominal fullness, urination should be inhibited; but now urination is uninhibited, which means there is blood amassment, so one should purge the blood.  One cannot spare any or anything of the medicinals required and so Di Dang Wan is appropriate.

Di Dang Wan

Shui Zhi 20 pcs (dry fry)
Meng Chong 20 pcs (remove wings & legs, dry fry)
Tao Ren 25 pcs (remove skin and tips)
Da Huang 3 Liang

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Blood Amassment Patterns


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