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Shang Han Lun

Water Amassment Patterns

Line 72
“When sweating has already been promoted, the pulse is floating and rapid, and there is vexation and thirst, Wu Ling San governs.”

Line 74
“When in wind strike the person has fever unresolved after six or seven days and vexation, so that there is an exterior and an interior pattern marked by thirst with a desire to drink water and immediate vomiting of ingested fluids, this is called water counter flow, for which Wu Ling San governs.”

Line 73
“When in cold damage there is sweating and thirst, Wu Ling San governs.  If thirst is absent Fu Ling Gan Cao Tang governs.

Fu Ling Gan Cao Tang

Fu Ling 2 Liang
Gui Zhi  2 Liang (remove the bark)
Gan Cao 1 Liang
Sheng Jiang 3 Liang (cut)”

Line 127
“When in Tai Yang disease if urination in uninhibited, the drinking of copious amounts of water will result in palpitations below the heart; if urination is scant, the person will suffer from abdominal urgency.”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Water Amassment Patterns


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