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Shang Han Lun

Kidney Yang Vacuity Patterns

Line 29
“When in Cold damage, the pulse is floating and  there is spontaneous sweating, frequent urination, heart vexation, mild aversion to cold, and hyper tonicity of the feet, but Gui Zhi Tang is given in order to attack the exterior, this is an error.  If the person is given this formula, there will be a reversal, dryness in the throat, vexation and agitation, and counter flow vomiting, so one should use Gan Cao Gan Jiang Teng to restore Yang.  If a counter flow patient recovers, and the feet become warm, one can then use ShaoYao Gan Cao Tang and the feet will then be able to stretch.  If the Stomach Qi is Disharmonious and there is delirious speech, give a little Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang.  If sweating has been promoted repeatedly, then red-hot needling is used, Si Ni Tang governs.

Gan Cao Gan Jiang Teng

Gan Cao 4 Liang
Gan Jiang 2 Liang

ShaoYao Gan Cao Tang

Bai Shao4 Liang
Gan Cao 4 Liang

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Kidney Yang Vacuity Patterns


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