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Shang Han Lun

Heart Yang Vacuity Patterns

Line 117
“When red hot needling is used to cause sweating, the needling site contracts cold, and if a red node forms, the person will develop running piglet.  When qi from the lesser abdomen surges upward to the heart, use one cone of moxa on each node and give Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang adding 2 Liang of Gui.
Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang adding 2
Gui Zhi 5 Liang (Remove Bark)
Bai Shao3 Liang
Sheng Jiang 3 Liang (cut)
Gan Cao 2 Liang
Da Zao 12 pcs (broken)

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease Patterns, Heart Yang Vacuity Patterns


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