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Shang Han Lun

Mild Patterns of Exterior Depression

Line 27
“When in Tai Yang Disease there is Fever and aversion to cold with more heat and less cold (a pulse that is faint and weak means that yang is absent and one cannot promote sweating), 2 parts Gui Zhi and One part Yue Bi Tang is appropriate.  (Gui Zhi Er Yue Bi Yi Tang)

(Gui Zhi Er Yue Bi Yi Tang)

Gui Zhi 18 zhu (remove Bark)
Bai Shao18 zhu
Ma Huang 18 zhu
Gan Cao 18 Zhu
Da Zao 4 pcs (Broken)
Sheng Jiang 1 Liang 2 Zhu (32 g Cut)
Shi Gao 24 zhu (16 g) (Crushed, cotton wrapped)”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease, Mild Patterns of Exterior Depression


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