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Shang Han Lun

Concurrent Patterns
Line 38
“When in Tai Yang Wind Strike the pulse is floating and tight, and there is fever, aversion to cold, generalized pain, absence of sweating, and vexation and agitation.  Da Qing Long Tang governs.  If the pulse is faint and weak and there is sweating and aversion to wind, the person cannot take this formula.  If he takes it there will be reverse flow, and jerking sinews and twitching flesh, indicating an adverse treatment.

Da Qing Long Tang
Ma Huang 6 Liang
Gui Zhi 2 Liang
Xing Ren 40 pcs
Sheng Jiang 3 Liang
Da Zao 10 pcs
Shi Gao (the size of a chicken Egg)”

Line 39
“When in cold damage, the pulse is floating and moderate, and there is no generalized pain, only generalized heaviness, with sudden periods of lightness, and there is no lesser yin disease.  Da Qing Long Tang will promote sweating and resolve the disease.”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease, Cold Damage Exterior Excess Patterns, Concurrent Patterns


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