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Internal Medicine

According to our years of clinical experiences, the common formula is as follows: (1) diabetes involving the upper energizer: severe thirst, over drinking, red, dry tongue with crack, sore throat, normal stool, yellow or normal urine, soft, rolling with rapid pulse, weakness when pressing, and the principles are clearing away heat, producing fluid and relieving thirst. The formula is modification of Ren Shen Tang added with Bai Hu; Sha Shen, Huang Jing, Tian Hua Fen, Mai Dong, Xuan Shen, Wu Wei Zi, raw Shi Gao and Huang Qi. (2) diabetes involving the middle energizer: thirst, over drinking, hunger, thin body, dull and turbid complexion, spontaneous sweating, dry mouth, dry stool, yellow urine, red, dry tongue with crack, yellow and dry coating, rolling and excess pulse. the principles are nourishing yin, moistening intestine, opening organs. The formula is modification of Zeng Xiao Cheng Qi Tang. Da Huang, Zhi Shi, Xiao Mang, Tain Hua Fen, Zhi Mu and Jiao San Xian. (3) diabetes involving the lower energizer: incontinence of urine with sediment, thirst, over drinking, grey complexion, thin body, burned black on auricle. Treatment: nourishing liver and kidney, benefiting essence, tonifying blood, moistening dryness and relieving thirst. The formula is modification of Mai Wei Di Huang Tang. Mai Dong, Wu Wei Zi, prepared Di Huang, Shan Yao, Tain Hua Fen, Shan Zhu Yu, Mu Dan Pi, Fu Ling and Qian Shi. The the basis of the 3 treatments above, combining the following herbs to clearing away heat, producing fluid. Huang Qi, Ren Shen, Huang Jing, Bai Zhu, Shan Yao, Nv Zhen Zi, He Shou Wu, etc to improve the curative effect.

Key words: diabetes, herbal treatment

Writer: Fenglong (ST40) Luo-Connecting Point Zhu, Yu Zhu
Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Chongli, Hebei province (076350)


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