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Gynecology and Obstetrics

Infertility treatment due to liver stagnation is the most common disease. There are 3 situations in general: qi stagnation and blood stasis, and unsmooth of Thoroughfare Vessel and Conception Vessel lead to infertility; excess of dampness produces phlegm, and the phlegm and dampness obstruct uterus; stagnation of liver qi turns to heat, and the heat disturbs uterus. These 3 situations should be treated by reliving stagnated liver qi, activating blood and regulating menstruation. The formula of Jing Gong Fang: Fried Xiang Fu 12g, Chai Hu 10 g,  Yan Hu Suo 10g, raw Pu Huang (decocted with package) 10g, Tao Ren 10g, Dang Gui 10g, Chuan Xiong 10g, Yi Mu Cao 10g.

The coldness of liver leads to deficiency of kidney yang, and then deficient coldness produces internally; therefore, coldness of blood in uterus causes infertility. This disease can not be considered only on deficiency of kidney yang, but also coldness of liver and blood. Better effect will be received if the disease is treated by warming both kidney and liver. In the menstruation period or after it, Fu Zi, Chen Xiang, Rou Gui, Ba Ji Tian and She Chuang Zi are applied to warm both liver and kidney; and Lu Jiao Jiao and Zi He Che are applied also at same time; Dang Gui, Gou Qi Zi, Shan Zhu Yu, Tu Si Zi, Bai Shao are commonly applied also. In the menstruation period, it is treated by not only warming both liver and kidney, but also activating blood and regulating menses; Nuan Gong Xing Jing Yin are applied: Wu Zhu Yu 10g, Gui Zhi 8g, Chen Xiang 4g, She Chuang Zi 10g (decocted with package), Dang Gui 12g, Chuan Xiong 8g, Fried Xiang Fu 10g, Yi Mu Cao 10g, raw Pu Huang 10g (decocted with package) and Tai Wu Yao 8g.

Key words: treatment according to liver differentiation, infertility, experience, Chinese herbs

Writer: Rongchang Huang
Le’an Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Jiangxi province (344300)


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