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Infectious Diseases

There are 51 patients in convalescence period of SARS, who are divided into two groups including 31 cases in group of combined treatment of Chinese medicine and west medicine, 20 cases in west medicine contrast group. Treatment method:
1. Group of combined treatment of Chinese medicine and west medicine: based on west medicine treatment, adding Chinese medicine treatment plan: No.I Yi Qi Yang Yin Fang (promoting qi and nourishing yin): it can be used for qi and yin deficiency syndrome. Prescription: Tai Zi Shen, Mai Dong, Wu Wei Zi, raw Huang Qi, Tian Hua Fen, fry Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Bai Shao Yao, Gan Cao, Chai Hu, Liu Yi San. No. II: Bu Fei Jian Pi Fang (reinforcing lung and strengthening spleen): it can be used for lung and spleen qi deficiency syndrome. Prescription: Sheng Huang Qi, Dang Shen, fry Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Chai Hu, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Mu Xiang, Chen Pi, Qing Ban Xia, Huo Xiang, Jiao San Xian, Sha Ren. No.III: Yang Yin Qing Re Fang (nourishing yin clearing heat): it can be used for evil damage yin syndrome. Prescription: Tai Zi Shen, Sha Shen, Mai Dong, Chai Hu, Sang Ye, Sang Bai Pi, Di Gu Pi, Huang Qin, Qing Hao, Lu Gen, Mao Gen, Ban Xia, Bai Shao Yao, Dang Gui, Liu Yi San, Mu Dan Pi.

2. Contrast group: west medicine treatment plan: (1) rest, avoiding to tiring, and using strength.  (2) Avoiding to severe cough, giving stopping cough treatment if there is severe cough, and giving resoling sputum medicine if there is cough with sputum.  (3) Proper treatment should be conducted if there is heart, liver, kidney function damage.  (4) Strengthening nutrition support, paying attention to the electrolyte balance.

Result: liver function, X-ray, hemogram treatment effect comparison: among 51 patients, there are 13 cases in treatment group, 10 cases in contrast group who have liver function disorder, after 3 weeks’ treatment, 12 cases in treatment group recuperated (92%),  7 cases in contrast group recuperated (70%). There are 15 cases in treatment group and 11 cases in contrast group whose lung shade does not disappear completely, after 3 weeks’ treatment, there are 13 cases in treatment group recuperated (87%), 8 cases in contrast group recuperated (73%). There are 11 cases in treatment group and 11 cases in contrast group have leucocyte, hemoglobin and blood platelets disorder, after 3 weeks’ treatment, there are 9 cases in treatment group recuperated (82%),  5 cases in contrast group recuperated (45%).

Key words: combined treatment of Chinese Medicine and West Medicine, SARS convalescence period, clinical research

Writer: Jian Huang, Qihui Zhang, Suzhong Liu, Yuzhong (KI26) Zhu, Mei Wu
Beijing university of Chinese medicine affiliated Hu Guo Si TCM hospital (100035)


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