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Nei Jing

The Emperor asked: "Why can the five zang-organs make one catch an atrophy disease?"

Qi Bo answered: "The lungs dominate the skin and body hair of the body. The heart dominates the blood vessels of the body. The liver dominates the sinews and membranes of the body. The spleen governs the flesh of the body. The kidneys govern the bones and marrow of the body. "

"So, if the lungs are hot and their lobes are scorched, the skin and body hair will become fragile and dry, lingering, then the feet atrophy may happen. If the heat lingers and does not recede, limping atrophy may occur. If the heart qi is hot, the qi in the lower vessels of the body will ascend adversely, and the lower vessels become feeble, so the vessel atrophy may occur. The joints are slack and cannot be lifted as if a broken pivot fails to move. The legs become flaccid and fail to walk at will. If the liver qi is hot, the bile will be expelled. The mouth will become bitter. And the sinews and membranes will become desiccated. If the sinews and membranes are desiccated, thus the spasms of the sinews are induced, and sinew atrophy may occur. If the spleen qi is hot, the stomach will be dry and there will be thirst. The flesh will be numb, and flesh atrophy may occur. If the kidney qi is hot, the waist and spine cannot be straightened. The bones will be wizened, and the marrow will be reduced, so bone atrophy may occur."

Key words: discussion of atrophy diseases, in the plain question


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