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Nei Jing

The five zang-organs connect with the upper orifices through their meridians. So the lung qi opens into the nose. If the lungs are harmonious, the nose can smell both fragrant and foul odors. The heart qi opens into the tongue. If the heart is harmonious, the tongue can taste the five flavors. The liver qi opens into the eyes. If the liver is harmonious, the eyes can identify the five colors. The spleen qi opens into the mouth. If the spleen is harmonious, the mouth can identify the five cereals. The kidney qi opens into the ears. If the kidneys are harmonious, the ears can hear the five musical scales. If the five zang-organs are out of harmony, the functioning of the seven orifices will be impeded. If the six fu-organs are out of harmony, carbuncles will appear.

Key Words: measurements of the channels, in the divine pivot


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