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Nei Jing

The Seven damages:  (1) when closed, feel penile and vaginal pains during sex, (2) big spontaneous sweating during sex, (3) overindulgence, (4) insistency with any level of penile flaccidity, (5) vexation: rasping and wheezing, mind is confused, stress during sex, (6) man still persists when women has no sexual desire, (7) when the man finishes quickly, it exhausts and wastes body energy.

Eight benefits: (1) Regulate Qi: meditation in the morning; Stretching the back, align the vertebrae, relax the hip muscles, and contract the anus and guide the Qi to front yin. (2) Promote salivation and breathe in fresh air, swallow the saliva.  In horse stance, stretch back, contract anus, unblock the essence and qi, constantly promoting saliva. (3) Conduct foreplay to arouse sexual desire for both. (4) Tonify the qi: collect qi during sex, relax back, contract anus and guide the qi down to the penis during sex. (5) Harmonize the saliva gently during sex. (6) Conserve the qi during sex. (7) Stop sex action a while before ejaculation to hold qi. (8) Complete the ejaculation fully, and clean the front yin.  

Key words: topic on correspondences and manifestations, Yin and Yang, the plain questions


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