There are 560 cases of blockage syndrome, most of them have long term disease course, no effect was got or there is gastrointestinal reaction after herbal treatment, then the patients accepted acupuncture treatment. Treatment method:
1. Blockage in neck and shoulder: the general used points are cervical vertebra Jia Ji points, Tianzhu (BL10), Jianyu (LI15), Jianzhen (SI9), Jianjing (GB21). Connecting electrical acupuncture after got qi, maintaining needling for 30 minutes. For tough neck, limited activities, choosing Dazhui (GV14) combining with BL10; choosing BL10 combining with both Fengchi (GB20) if there is numbness sensation on head and occiput region, distention pain; choosing points on shoulder and back region combining with cupping if ther is severe shoulder-back pain; choosing GB21, SI9, LI15 if there is cold-blockage and qi stagnation with severe pain in should joint, limited activities of adduction and abduction of upper arms. Adding cupping method after got qi when needling, combining with acupuncture and cupping method. For Du meridian weak deficiency, needling Baihui (GV20) and Dazhui.
2. Blockage on back and lumbar region: ordinary points includes Dazhu (BL11) Influential point of bone, Fengmen (BL12), Jinsuo (GV8), Pohu (BL42), Sanjiaoshu (BL22), Shenshu (BL23), Qihaishu (BL24), Dachangshu (BL25), Guanyuanshu (BL26), Pangguangshu (BL28), Yaoyangguan (GV3), Huatuojiaji, dividing into 2 groups and needling the points respectively. Using electrical needling after getting qi, maintaining needling for 30 minutes. For severe patients, performing cupping after acupuncture, or moving cupping along the Huatuojiaji points. Adding moxibustion on lumbar region and back besides maintaining needling if there are Du meridian deficiency cold, or cold-damp obstruction, cold-pain on lumbar region and back.
3. Blockage on sacrum and hip region: lumbosacral portion pain, heaviness, numbness, or implicate legs, the patients can not seat, stand and walk for long time, choosing BL25, BL26, Ba Liao, Zhibian (BL54), Juliao (GB29), Huantiao (GB30 ), Xuanzhong (GB39) Influential Point of the Marrow. Performing electrical needling for 30 minutes after getting qi during acupuncture treatment.
4. Blockage on arms: choosing Binao (LI14), Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point, Waiguan (TE5) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point; choosing TE5, Yangxi (LI5) Jing-River Point, Wangu (GB12), performing electrical needling and maintaining needling for 30 minutes after getting qi.
5. Blockage on legs: choosing BL54, Chengfu (BL36), Huantiao, GB29, Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon, performing electrical needling for 30 minutes after getting qi; choosing Dubi (ST35), Liangqiu (ST34), Yanglingquan, Neixiyan, if there are knee region and knee joint pain, difficult movement, adding moxibustion after getting qi when needling; choosing Shenmai (BL62) The Eight Confluent Point, Zhaohai (KI6) The Eihgt Confluent Point, Kunlun (BL60) Jing-River Point, Qiuxu (GB40) Yuan-Primary Point on ankle region; choosing Shangqiu (SP5) Jing-Well Point, Xingjian (LR2) Ying-Spring Point Bafeng points, performing electrical needling for 30 minutes after getting qi.
Adding needling Qihai (CV6), BL26, Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point if there is qi-blood deficiency; needling Shenshu, Mingmen (GV4), Baihui, BL26. For interior excessive damp-heat, combining with Dazhui, or Hegu according to the affected area; for excessive wind evil, combining Fengchi on head and neck; adding LI11 on arms, adding Fengshi (GB31) on legs; adding Sanyinjiao (SP6), Yinlingquan (SP9) He-Sea Point, ST36 if there is severe dampness evil and heaviness symptom.
Key words: acupuncture, blockage syndrome
Writer: Buyuan Xiao
TCM department, Jiangxi medical university No.1 affiliated hospital (330006)