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Internal Medicine

We used method of tonifying spleen and reinforcing kidney treating 34 cases of chronic aplastic anemia and got satisfied effect. 66 patients are divided randomly in to two groups, there 34 cases in treatment group, treatment method: oral taking tonifying spleen and reinforcing kidney herbs including Huang Qi, Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Tu Si Zi, Shu Di Huang, E Jiao, Lu Jiao Jiao, Shan Zhu Yu, Gou Qi Zi, adding Han Lian Cao, Xian He Cao, San Qi if there is bleeding; adding Mai Men Dong, Sheng Di Huang, Sang Shen Zi if there is yin deficiency; adding Yin Yang Huo, Fu Zi if there is yang deficiency. There are 32 patients in contrast group, treatment method: oral taking Kang Li Long 2mg, 3 times a day. 4 weeks are one course, continually taking for 3 courses. If hemoglobin is under 50g/L, injecting red blood cells; if hematoblasts is under 20*10 9/L, injecting hematoblasts for 2-3 times a weak, reviewing marrow image termly, testing liver, kidney function. Treatment result: total effect rate in treatment group is 91.2%, 68.8% in contrast group.

Key words: Method of Tonifying Spleen and Reinforcing Kidney, herbal treatment, Aplastic Anemia

Writer: Xiaowen Yang, Danqing Chen
Guangdong province No.2 TCM hospital (510095)


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