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Bell's Palsy

Posted by: admin on Jan 25, 2009 - 08:05 PM
Scalp Acupuncture

Bell's palsy is an acute disease caused by non-suppurative inflammation of the facial nerve in stylomastoid foramen. Peripheral facial paralysis always occurs on one side of the face and seldom on both sides. Prior or during the early stage of the onset, people may feel a slightly pain in the ear and the mastoid or mandibular region. The manifestations: disappearance of frontal wrinkles, widening of palpebral fissure, difficulty to close eye, shallow nasolabial groove, ptosis of labial angle and deviation of mouth and eye.

The Selection of Stimulation: Lower two-fifths of motor area on both sides.

Scalp acupuncture can be used once a day after a correct diagnosis is made. In most Bell’s palsy cases, using scalp acupuncture can obtain a satisfactory result.


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