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Internal Medicine

In terms of Gui Pi Pill’s function of promoting heart and belonging to spleen. Perspiration is the liquid of heart, combining with pharmacological compatibility and prescription analysis, the Gui Pi Wan is proved can nourish yin and reinforce qi, calm down heart and restrain sweat besides it primary features. I have 30 years clinical experience on application of it, and find its function of stopping sweating is outstanding, especially the function of stopping sweating function on treatment of yin deficiency and night sweat, yang deficiency and spontaneous sweating. After observing 300 cases I find that there are 294 cases have effect (98%), 6 cases without effect (2%); 285 cases were healed (95%); the treatment period is short, the patients got quick recovery and no recrudescence is found.

Key words: Gui Pi Wan, Stopping Sweating, Peculiar Function.

Writer: Zhongxu Yang
Han Jiang hospital, Jiang Kou city, Hubei province (442700)


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