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Internal Medicine

Yang deficiency with spontaneous sweating, yin deficiency with night sweat are traditionally treated by promoting qi and  strengthening exterior, recuperating depleted Yang and contracting yin in order to relieve spontaneous sweating, nourishing yin to lower the fire in order to resolve night sweat. However, during clinic treatment period, the pathogen is complicated, sometimes, the tongue, pulse and symptoms are different, if we treat the disease with the traditional differentiation method, the effect is not satisfied mostly. Therefore, we always treat sweat syndrome with regulating spleen-stomach (main method for adjusting nutrient-defensive qi and superficial qi) in clinic, examples can be seen as following:

1. Observing the essence of the disease, treating Taiyang syndrome.
2. According to “Neijing” theory, treating yang deficiency and spontaneous sweating.
3. Nourishing yin and tonifying spleen to relieving sweating syndrome, the effect is perfect.
4. “Blood and sweat are come from same source” the theory can be used for treating sweating syndrome due to qi and blood deficiency.

Key words: sweating syndrome, treatment according to syndrome differentiation

Writer: Qian Gao
Kai Yuan city railway hospital,  Yunnan province (661000)


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