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Regulate Qi & Reduce Stagnation

Ingredients: Chen Xiang, Ding Xiang, Mu Xiang, Xiang Fu, Zhi Ke, Qing Pi, Chen Pi, Hou Pu, Fo Shou, Huo Xiang, Dou Kou Ren, Sha Ren, Chai Hu, Bai Shao Yao, Chuan Xiong, Yan Hu Suo, Jiang Huang, Shan Zha, Gan Cao, Qian Niu Zi, Bing Pian.

Indications: moving qi, soothing liver, tonifying stomach, dispersing stasis. It can be used for qi obstruction, poor digestion ability resulting in chest and hypochondrium blockage, foul belch, sour regurgitation, stomach distention pain, constipation.

Method and dosage: oral taking, 2 pills each time, 2 times a day, taking with warm water.

Attention: it can not be taken by pregnant woman. Spicy and greasy foods are prohibited. Enclosed storage.


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