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Release Exterior & Stabilize  Exterior

Ingredients: Ling Yang Jiao powder, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Dan Zhu Ye, Niu Bang Zi, Dan Dou Chi, Jie Geng, Jing Jie, Bo He, Gan Cao.

Indications: penetrating exterior with herbs of pungent in flavour and cool in property, clearing heat and relieving toxicity. It can be used for wind-heat due to exopathogen, primary period of wind-warm, fever, headache, cough, sore throat, thin yellow tongue coating, floating-rapid pulse etc syndromes. It can mainly be used for influenza, acute upper respiratory tract infection, acute faucitis, acute tonsilar infection, mumps, epidemic meningitis primary period etc.

Method and dosage: 0.3g per tablet, 20 tablets per package. 4 tablets each time, 2 times a day, oral taking.


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