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Regulate Blood

Ingredients: Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Xue Jie, Bi Xiang Cao Nao, Bing Pian (borneol), Zhang Nao (camphor), Lu Fang, Xiang Jing, Ding Xiang Luo Le You, Shui Yang Suan Jia Zhi (methyl salicylate).

Indications: invigorating flow of blood, dispersing stagnation, relieving turgescence, stopping pain. It can be used for strain and injury pain, rheumatism blockage pain, chilblain, red and swollen.

Method and dosage: exterior use. Using appropriate dosage on affected area, several times a day. If necessary, you can foment the affected area with warm towel before apply the patent herb.

Attention: pregnant woman should use it cautiously. Enclosed storage in cool place and avoiding to sunlight.


by Eby Osondu
on Feb 15, 2016

Pls your phone number ,or u can cal me with this no 08033127081.somebody introduce of ur bull head bread and his working .I want to be a full member.from Nigeria.

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