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Regulate Blood

Ingredients: Da Ji charcoaling, Xiao Ji charcoaling, Qian Cao charcoaling, Zhi Zi charcoaling, Mu Dan Pi charcoaling, Zong Lu charcoaling, Ze Bai Ye charcoaling, Bai Mao Gen charcoaling, Da Huang charcoaling, He Ye charcoaling.
Indications: cool blood to stop bleeding. It can be applicable to the all bleeding, such as hematemesis, hemorrhinia, flooding bleeding etc.

Method and dosage:
1. Powder, 3-9g per time, 2 times per day, after meals. It can also be outside administration, such as blowing nose to stop hemorrhinia, external applying on a stab wound area to stop bleeding;
2. Water pills, 3-9g each time, 1-2 times per day, take with warm water.
Attention: if the bleeding belongs to yang deficiency, do not use it. Airtight storage in a dry place.


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