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Regulate Blood

Ingredients:  ji Xue Teng, Hong Hua, Dan Shen, San Qi, Yu Jin, Tao Ren, Gou Qi Zi, Ren Shen, Huang Jing, Chi Shao Yao, Jiang Xiang, Chuan Xiong, Chen Pi, Mu Xiang, Shi Cang Pu, Mai Men Dong, Bing Pian.

Indications: invigorate blood and smooth meridians, strengthen heart and stop cardiac pain. It is applicable to the coronary sclerosis with angina, chest tightness, and shortness of breath, heart qi deficiency and blood stasis pain.
Method and dosage: oral take. 5 tablets ordinary film each time, 8 for sugar coated tablets each times, 3-4 times per day, take with warm water.
Attention: pregnant women should not take it, and confining in a dry place to store.


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