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Internal Medicine

In order to compare the effects of fire needling with ordinary acupuncture needling on facial spasm, we set up this observation. Method: 127 cases of facial spasm patients were divided into two groups, 79 cases in treatment group were applied by fire needling. The main points were Taiyang, Cuanzhu (BL2), Quanliao (SI18), and Dicang (ST4). The operation was burn the needle on fire until the tip became to be red, inserted the fire needle quickly into the selected point about 5mm depth. The process demanded steady, accurate, and fast. 48 cases in the control group were given by ordinary acupuncture needling. The point selection was as same as the treatment group. Observation of efficacy was compared.
Results: The effective rate was 92.4% in the treatment group, and 87.5% in the control group, there was a significant differences between them (P <0.05).Conclusion: the fire needling on facial spasm was more effective than ordinary acupuncture needling.

Key words: acupuncture fire needling, facial spasm, observation

Writer: Xiao Ji Jiang
People's Liberation Army 324 Hospital, physical rehabilitation 400020


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