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Ingredients: Zhi He, San Leng, Huang Qin, E Zhu, Hou Pu, Bing Lang, Qing Pi, Chen Pi, Da Huang, Qian Niu Zi, Xiang Fu, Mu Xiang, Ba Dou Shuang, Zhu Sha.

Indications: digesting food, resolving obstruction, regulating qi and harmonizing stomach, stopping pain. It can be used for various of child’s food obstruction, abdominal distention pain, dim complexion, emaciation.

Method and dosage: oral taking. 5 pills each time for child of 1-3 months old, 10 pills each time for child of 3-6 months old, 30 pills each time for child of 1-2 years old, 50 pills each time for child of 3-6 years old, 80 pills each time for child of 7-12 years old, 2 times a day, taking with warm water.

Attention: Patients with weak body condition, Diarrhea, and exterior attack syndrome can not take. Please stop to take if there are repetitious diarrhea, poor appetite after taking the patent herb. Enclosed storage in dry place.


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