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Internal Medicine

Points: Dubi (ST35), Nei Xi Yan, Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon, Yinlingquan (SP9) He-Sea Point, Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, Sanyinjiao (SP6), Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point.

Patient will take sitting posture and flex both knees with 75 degree angle. Every time, we needle 3 to 4 points that are suitable for connection and application of electronic apparatus, for instance, we choose Nei Xi Yan and GB34 or ST36; ST35 and SP9. negative is used on ST35 or Nei Xi Yan, positive on other points.

Key words: benign arthritis, combination of electronic acupuncture, infra-red apparatus

Writer: Dong Qi, Long Anming


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