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Ingredients: Ru Xiang (prepared), Mo Yao (prepared), Xiong Huang, She Xiang.

Indications: relieving toxicity, invigorating flow of blood, relieving tumefaction, stopping pain. It can be used for toxicity heat in Zang Fu, qi and blood congelation resulting in early stage of sore toxicity, acute mastitis, scrofula, carbuncle complicated by sore etc. The symptoms includes red and swollen on affected area, hard and pain without festering. We now often use it for treatment of cervical scrofula, acute mastitis, folliculitis, cellulitis that have symptoms mentioned above.

Method and dosage: water-past pill: 3g (50 pills) each bottle, 3-9g each time for adult, 1-2 times a day, taking with warm yellow wine or warm water. The dosage for child beyond 7 years old should be reduced to half, 1/3 of adult’s dosage for child of 3-7 years old.
Attention: pungent and greasy food are prohibited, pregnant woman cannot use. Patient with carbuncle has ulcerated and festered should not use.


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