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Ingredients: Chuan Shan Jia, Wu Gong, Di Long, Bian Xu, Huang Qi, Lai Fu Zi etc.

Indications: clearing heat and relieving toxicity, invigorating flow of blood, dispelling stagnation, relieving tumefaction, stopping pain, promoting marrow, replenishing essence, warming yang and rescuing patient from collapse. It can be used for treatment of chronic prostatitis, frequent urination, urgent urination, pain of urethra, stranguria and turbid, lower sexuality, impotence etc caused by prostatitis.

Method and dosage: capsule: 0.3g per capsule, 30 capsules each bottle, oral taking, 4-6 capsules each time, 2-3 times a day. One month is one course, Taking for 2-3 courses generally.


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