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Ingredients: Huang Qi, Rou Gui oil, Huang Bai, Xue Li, Che Qian Zi, Xiang Fu, Hu Po, Ze Lan, Pu Gong Ying, Ba Jiao Hui Xiang Oil.

Indications: replenishing Kidney and tonifying spleen, clearing and excreting dampness and turbid. It can be used for spleen-kidney yang deficiency, feculent urine due to downward flow of damp-turbid, frequent urination or difficult urination etc syndrome. We now often use it for treatment of prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia.

Method and dosage: tablet: 72 tablets per bottle, 4-6 tablets each time, 3 times a day, taking with warm water.

Attention: greasy, raw and cold foods are prohibited.


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