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Ingredients: Ci Wu Jia, Chi Shao Yao, Dang Gui, Mu Dan Pi.

Indications: replenishing kidney, tonifying spleen, reinforcing liver, nourishing blood, cooling blood, invigorating flow of blood. It can be used for female blood stagnation, dim complexion, laziness, fatigue, shortness breath, fullness sensation in chest, irritability, fever and sweating, dry mouth and tongue, soreness sensation on lumbar region and knees, poor appetite etc symptoms. We now often use it for treatment of menopause syndrome, fallopian tube tuberculosis, endometrial tuberculosis that has symptoms mentioned above.

Method and dosage: tablet: 0.5g per tablet, oral taking, 4 tablets each time, 2-3 times a day.

Attention: raw cold and pungent food are prohibited.


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