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Ingredients: Yi Mu Cao half-solid or dry extract, Shu Di Huang, Sheng Di Huang, Bai Shao Yao, Chuan Xiong, Fu Ling, Chen Xiang, Xiang Fu, Dang Gui, Wu Yao, Bai Zhu, Chen Pi, fry Huang Qin, Mu Xiang, Zi Su Ye, Hu Po, E Jiao, Sha Ren, Niu Xi, Dang Shen, Gan Cao.

Indications: nourishing qi and blood, regulating menstruation. It can be used for syndrome of irregular menstruation, qi and blood deficiency before pregnancy and post partum.

Method and dosage: big honey pill: 9g each pill. 9g each time, 2 times a day, taking with warm water.

Attention: It should be cautiously used by patient of excess with fever.


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