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Internal Medicine

According to more than 20 years clinical practices, the author discovers that cardiovascular disease and arrhythmia are the most in the patients and range over widely, such as rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, myocardosis and sick sinus syndrome, etc, which are followed with bradyarrhythmia. Most of them are deficiency of heart yang or qi deficiency and blood stasis in clinical differentiation. on closer inspection, the reasons for bradyarrhythmia are: (1) cold stagnation; (2) strain; (3) deficiency of Ying-spring blood; (4) obstruction of meridians. Self-made Ning Xin Tang. Prescription: Dang Gui 10g, Huang Qi 30g, Ren Shen 10g, Dan Shen 10g, Hong Hua 10g, Sha Ren 10g, Jie Geng 10g, Gui Zhi 10g, Fu Zi 10g, prepared Ma Huang 5g, Fu Shen 30g, Sheng Long Gu 30g, Sheng Mu Li 30g, Mai Dong 10g, Wu Wei Zi 10g and prepared Gan Cao 10g.
Key words: Ning Xin Tang, progress of treatment, cardiovascular disease and arrhythmia

Writer: Jianchang Zhang

Dan Xun Gu Xin cerebrovascular specialist outpatient clinic, Zuo cheng xiang, Yanjin county, Henan province (453211)


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