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Cupping Therapy

1: Oxhorn cup
Advantage: easy to use, good effect; oxhorn is a kind of Chinese herb that has functions to clear toxic heat and activate blood circulation.
Disadvantage: we can not observe color change when cup is retained on the body.

2: Bamboo cup
Advantage: easy to produce, economic, not easily broken.
Disadvantage: not transparent, easily dry, not strong suction.

3: Wood cup
Advantage: different sizes, convenient to bring, easy to use.
Disadvantage: not transparent, not strong suction, easily dry.

4: Glass cup
Advantage: transparent, strong suction, various manipulation methods such as fixed cupping, moving cupping, flash cupping, easy to observe color change.
Disadvantage: easily broken, quick heat conducting.

5: Multiple function cup
Advantage: transparent, so easy to observe color change of skin, easy combined with needle, herbs or bleeding; different sizes, so easy to use on different parts of body; thick border, so easy to apply different manipulation methods such as moving cup or fixed cup; strong suction; easy to use, and no fire; easy to withdraw cup; easy to clean cup; easy to bring.


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