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Dispel Cold, Transform Damp & Warm  Interior

Ingredients: Liu Qu (fry), fry Mai Ya, fry Gu Ya, fry Shan Zha, Mu Gua, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Jie Geng, Chen Pi, Zhi Ke, Hou Po (prepared with ginger), Mu Xiang, Tan Xiang, Guang Huo Xiang, Zi Su Ye, Xiang Ru, fry Bai Bian Dou.

Indications: relieving heat, relieving exterior syndrome, resolving dampness with aromatic, digesting food, reducing accumulation, tonifying spleen, stopping Diarrhea. It can be used for external heat-dampness attack when summer, raw-cold interior generation, disorder of spleen-stomach due to apepsia and water obstruction. The symptoms includes aversion to cold, fullness sensation in chest, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, fatigue, tasteless, vomiting and / or diarrhea, etc. We now often use it for treatment of acute gastroenteritis that has symptoms mentioned above.

Method and dosage: big honey pill: 9g each pill, 2 pills each time, 2 times a day.


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