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Dispel Cold, Transform Damp & Warm  Interior

Ingredients: Hou Pu (roasting with ginger), Huo Xiang, Ban Xia, Cang Zhu (wash with rice water), Chen Pi, Gan Cao (roasting).

Indications: drying dampness, harmonizing middle jiao, resolving phlegm, regulating qi, activating stasis. It can be used for disharmony of spleen stomach, distention and fullness sensation of abdomen, eructation, acid regurgitation, vomiting, Diarrhea, or poor appetite, tasteless, heavy sensation of limbs, fatigue and sleepy, white-greasy thick tongue coating, slow pulse etc that belong to spleen-stomach syndrome due to dampness obstruction. It can also be used for syndrome of pestilential pathogen attack.

Method and dosage: powder: 15g per package, 15g each time, 1-2 times a day, adding small amount ginger and Da Zao, decocting and taking the decoction.


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