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ENT and Dental
Ingredients:  Watermelon Frost, Peng Sha (calcined), Huang Bai, Huang Lian, Shan Dou Gen, She Gan, Zhe Bei Mu, Qing Dai, Qing Dai, Da Huang and so on.
Indications: clear heat and detoxify, relieve pain. It will be used for sore throat, tongue or mouth festered, sore or bleeding gums, thrush in children, mild burn in mouth and trauma hemorrhage; acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, oral ulcer which has the symptom above.
Method and dosage:  external use, spray, or blow on the lesion, an appropriate amount with several times a day; and it may give as intake for severe case, 1 ~ 2g per time, 3 times per day.
 Attention: closed storage and avoid moisture.


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