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Injury & Trauma

Ingredients: San Qi, Dang Gui, Chi Shao Yao, Bai Shao Yao, Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Xue Jie, Liu Ji Nu, Gu Sui Bu, Xu Duan, Su Mu, Mu Dan Pi, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Jiang Huang, San Leng, Fang Feng, Tian Gua Zi, Zhi Ke, Jie Geng, Gan Cao, Guan Mu Tong, Zi Ran Tong (cooper), Tu Bie Chong.

Indications: invigorating flow of blood, dispersing stagnation, relieving tumefaction, stopping pain. It can be used for traumatic injury, tendons rupture and fracture, blood stagnation with swelling and pain, sudden sprain in lumbar region, feeling a pain in chest, trauma with bleeding etc. In clinic, it is effective for soft tissue injury, dislocation, fracture and rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Method and dosage: honey pills: 3g per pill, 10 pill each box. 1 pill each time, 2 times each day, taking with alcohol or white sugar water. You can also dissolve it with alcohol by heating, then smear it on exterior or paste it on affected area.

Attention: pregnant woman cannot use.


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