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Benefit Spleen, Stomach, Intestine & Anorectal

Ingredients: fry Cang Zhu, Hou Pu, Chen Pi, fry Bai Zhu, Hua Tai, Ze Xie, Zhu Pu, Rou Gui, Gan Cao.

Indications: tonifying spleen, resolving dampness, relieving distention, excreting water. It can be used for vomiting, Diarrhea, distention-fullness in chest-abdomen, frequent urine with small amount etc. We now often use it for treatment of acute gastroenteritis, acute gastritis, food poisoning etc that have symptoms mentioned above.

Method and dosage: oral taking. Granule: 18g per package, 6g per time, 1-2 times a day; Powder: 10g per package, 1 package each time for adult, 2 times a day.

Attention: Raw, cold and greasy foods are prohibited. Pregnant should cautiously use.


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